Home Blog 20 Office Christmas Party Ideas to Brighten Up the Holiday Season

20 Office Christmas Party Ideas to Brighten Up the Holiday Season

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
Updated 02 Jul 2024 5 min read
Employees Having a Christmas Party

It’s that time of year again! The one where Colin from accounts tries (and fails) to rock around the Christmas tree without tripping over the tinsel. Yes, the office Christmas party. The season where we promise to slow down on the cheese and ignore that third piece of cake – who are we kidding?

It’s more than just about festive hijinks – it's the shared stories, the camaraderie, and the sweet relief of surviving another year without pressing the “Reply All” button. But, rather than relying on Colin’s musical talents year after year, we need to keep things fresh. 

Thankbox steps in here, adding a hearty “Ho, ho, ho!” to your festivities. 

So, roll up your sleeves, wrap yourself in Christmas lights, and let's sprinkle some festive fun into this year's office bash!

Virtual office party ideas

With remote and hybrid work on the rise, every team member should experience the fun even if they're not in the office. The virtual space offers plenty of opportunities to engage and connect merrily.

1. Virtual secret Santa

Physical distance doesn't mean you can’t surprise your colleagues with thoughtful presents. Opt for e-gifts like online Thankbox Christmas cards or Thankbox gift cards that can be sent instantly via email. 

Thankbox Christmas sample page

These options streamline convenience and add a personal touch to your virtual celebrations. Whether recipients work from home or at the office, Thankbox ensures the spirit of Secret Santa is alive and well. For more info, check out how it works here.

Thankbox Christmas bell icon Start giving the gift of appreciation

Honouring people who make a difference is crucial for great team dynamics. As a year draws to a close get the whole team to appreciate, recognise and above all celebrate those who have made it all worthwhile. It's easy, quick and personal with Thankbox.

2. Online game night

Let the games begin! Virtual game nights keep the festive fun and friendships alive. Use platforms that offer multiplayer games that include everyone. 

3. Virtual cooking class

If the way to an employee's heart is through their stomach, this is the ultimate team bonding activity. Choose a festive recipe and cook along with a chef or a talented colleague.

Creative decor Christmas party ideas

Amid the festivities, it's the ambience that sets the mood. Infuse creativity into your decorations to turn Scrooges into happy employees.

Woman as santa with coffee and pastry

4. DIY decoration

Why buy when you can create? Set up DIY decoration stations brimming with coloured paper, glitter, ribbons, and more. Encourage your team to unleash their inner artists and craft unique ornaments. 

5. Christmas movie corner

Everyone has that one Christmas movie that tugs at their heartstrings. Why not bring it to life? Choose a famous scene and decorate a corner of the office to match. It’s a great conversation starter and photo-op – just don’t get us started on whether “Die Hard is a Christmas movie!

6. Winter wonderland theme

Advent winter wonderland vibe

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Even if it doesn’t happen, you can still bring a snowy paradise indoors. Drape the office in white fabrics, use white rugs to mimic the snow, and hang snowflake decorations. 

Team-building activities

An office Christmas party is a golden opportunity for team-building. Use this festive setting to break down silos with some interactive activities.

7. Christmas scavenger hunt

Organise a scavenger hunt around the office where clues lead to different departments or employee desks. You can make it even more interesting by incorporating work-related trivia.

8. Christmas karaoke

Compile a playlist of popular Christmas songs and invite teams or individual members to sing their hearts out (we know Colin will be first in line!).

9. Team gingerbread house building

gingerbread house

Roll up those sleeves – it's time to construct edible real estate! Provide teams with gingerbread pieces, icing, and sweet decorations. It’s ideal for motivating your team with some friendly competition.

10. Christmas murder mystery party

If your team enjoys suspense and Columbo (who doesn’t?), why not host a Christmas-themed murder mystery party? Convert a meeting room into a “crime scene” and distribute roles to everyone in advance. Wrap your clues in Christmas presents.

Traditional office Christmas party ideas

Sometimes, the traditional activities resonate most, bringing a touch of nostalgia to your festive practices.

11. Secret Santa gift exchange

Giving a gift wrapped in brown paper

The joy of anonymous gift-giving is twofold – there's the mystery of who your Santa is and the challenge of finding that perfect present. Whether there's a budget cap or theme, this activity brings out the detective and shopper in everyone, ensuring giggles, gasps, and gratitude.

12. Ugly Christmas jumper contest

Who knew that Grandma's quirky knit gifts would become so desirable? The ugly Christmas jumper contest celebrates the most eccentric fashion choices. Encourage everyone to don their festive “finds” and host a runway show in the office. 

13. Christmas food share

Employees bring food from their traditions or family recipes and share stories behind each dish. Sharing food is a delicious way to get to know one another. Check out our article on 50 engaging icebreaker questions to delve even more deeply.

Relaxation and well-being

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, relaxation and well-being come to the rescue.

'and breathe' neon sign

14. In-office spa day

Turn a conference room into a mini-spa oasis for the day. Hire professionals to provide short massages or facials or even teach your team relaxation techniques. 

15. Yoga or meditation session

For something less hands-on but equally calming, why not host a festive-themed yoga or meditation session? It’s a rejuvenating way to get into the holiday spirit.

Outdoor celebrations

For those who want to add a breath of fresh air to their holiday celebrations, taking the party outdoors is a refreshing twist to the traditional office party setting.

16. Christmas market visit

Xmas market food stall

There's something incredibly cosy about walking through a Christmas market. The lights, food, crafts – it's like stepping into a holiday wonderland. Organise a group visit to a local market where your team can soak in the holiday atmosphere.

17. Outdoor ice skating

If winter sports are your thing, consider visiting a local ice skating rink for some icy fun. Nothing says “friendship like helping each other balance on skates!

18. Christmas picnic

If you’re lucky enough to have milder weather, why not organise a festive picnic in a local park? Think finger foods, festive mocktails, and classic holiday tunes playing in the background. 

Giving back

The holiday season isn't just about receiving – it's an opportunity to give back to your community. Incorporating this into your office Christmas party makes the event fun but, more importantly, meaningful.

19. Charity drive

Charity box self-made

Organise a charity drive where employees bring food, toys, or clothing to donate to a local charity. It's an easy way to contribute to a worthy cause.

20. Volunteer day

Consider devoting a day to team volunteering. Whether it's serving meals at a homeless shelter or a clean-up at a local park, this act of kindness will resonate with your team for years to come.

Get the Christmas party started with Thankbox!

If you're looking for an effortless way to sprinkle extra holiday magic on your celebration, why not check out Thankbox? With our delightful online Christmas cards, Thankbox shares the Christmas spirit with everyone on your team, whether they're near or far.

So, happy planning, and here's to a holiday season filled with warmth, smiles, and laughs! Add Thankbox to your Christmas list and create your own today!

Thankbox Christmas bell icon Start giving the gift of appreciation

Honouring people who make a difference is crucial for great team dynamics. As a year draws to a close get the whole team to appreciate, recognise and above all celebrate those who have made it all worthwhile. It's easy, quick and personal with Thankbox.

Images: Cover | Woman in Santa mask | Wintry Advent calendar | Gingerbread house | Neon sign | Christmas market food stall | Collection box

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