Home Blog 3 Good Things that Made Us Smile in November ⭐️

3 Good Things that Made Us Smile in November ⭐️

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
Updated 04 Jul 2024 7 min read
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Scouring the news and world events for good and inspiring things going in the world is a highlight of our month. We're thrilled to see how selfless and innovative people are.

One thing dominates the news this month and affects everyone. The climate crisis and COP26 conference in Glasgow.  So, here are three optimistic, innovative and inspiring stories we love that are a counterpoint to the headlines we so often encounter. 


1. Bear Saves Koalas

Who doesn’t adore a good dog story?  The annual Australian fire season was made more severe and extensive by climate change. It was a disaster for the local environment. The severity of the fires overwhelmed the local population and emergency services. It also destroyed much of the region’s flora and fauna.  Step in Bear - a homeless, jobless six year old dog.

Taken in by the University of the Sunshine Coast's Detection Dogs for Conservation Team, Bear's relentless energy and sniffing ability made him the ideal candidate to aid the enormous effort to save animals from the inferno.  Thanks to his selfless devotion and skill, Bear found and saved over 100 Koalas in the ashes.  For this he was honoured by IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) in its 2021 Animal Action Awards.

 Bear of the University of the Sunshine Coast's Detection Dogs for Conservation Team rescuing koala bears and receiving IFAW award.

2. Diamonds are a Planet’s Best Friend

School chemistry taught us a diamond is a sparkly lump of carbon.  And where is there a lot of carbon? Right, in the atmosphere. It makes perfect sense then to mine the air and make diamonds.  Sounds bizarre enough, but it’s happening right now at a sky mine in England. 

Sky Diamonds examples

Skydiamond is the brainchild of Dale Vince - the renowned environmentalist and eco-pioneer behind Ecotricity and carbon-neutral, vegan, professional football club, Forest Green Rovers.  It’s impressive to make a diamond from wind, rain, sun and CO2. What’s way more impressive is what the process avoids: 

  • A carat of a mined diamond has a carbon footprint in excess of 100kg of CO2 and over 500kg of total greenhouse gases. 

  • A carat of Skydiamond is net carbon negative with a carbon footprint of (minus) -4g of CO2 (the process uses 100% renewable energy).

Easy maths on that and a huge benefit to the planet. All bling, no sting. Dale and the skymining diamond team you’ve blown our diamond rocks off with this innovation - maybe a song here..... With Lucy in the skydiamonds ..... or similar 😉

3. Eat Out to Help the Homeless Out

An undoubted consequence of an over-heating planet will be migration and a rise in homelessness. Fat Macy’s in London is a catering and restaurant business doing more than their bit to help the homeless along the path to their own place. 

Fat Macy, London, chefs

As a social enterprise, the Fat Macy’s programme gives trainees skills, experience, and confidence through working alongside the pro-chefs and front-of-house teams. It doesn’t stop there - completing the programme opens the door to a deposit for their own place to live (10 have so far got their keys) and has a two-year support package.

It might be a small start - but as a model for enabling a socially-minded and Earth respecting generation it deserves wider adoption.

4. Age is No Barrier to Aiming High

We always look for three heart-warming good news stories. This month we’ve snuck a quick mention in for Dierdre Wolownick.  She’s the mum of unbelievable, Academy-Award winning, rock climber Alex Honnold. 

She deserves a huge round of applause for her feat in scaling the fearsome, 3,000 feet, El Capitan climb. For those unaware, this is the pinnacle of achievement for any climber. To do it at 70 years of age, having never ventured forth until age 58 (despite her son’s prowess), is simply unreal and 100% inspirational. Go Deirdre.

Alex Honnold's mum, Deirdre Wolownick, climbing El Capitan aged 70

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Heart photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

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