Home Blog How’s Everyone Doing? 12 Must-Ask Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions

How’s Everyone Doing? 12 Must-Ask Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
15 Oct 2024 6 min read
Woman sitting on a blue chair while using a laptop

Do you know how your team really feels about work? Employee satisfaction surveys are one of the best ways to find out. They let you take the pulse of your team, uncovering invaluable insights into your company culture.

Think of them as an easy check-in, helping you catch any minor issues before they become major problems. 

When used properly, an employee satisfaction survey offers honest, actionable feedback. Remarkably, organisations that use anonymous feedback systems receive 58% more truthful feedback!

But how do you make sure your surveys are effective? After all, it’s not just about collecting responses—it’s about asking the right questions. Join Thankbox as we explore the inner workings of employee satisfaction survey questions. 

Let’s get started!

What is an employee satisfaction survey?

Companies use employee satisfaction surveys to gauge how happy and engaged their employees are in their roles. These surveys typically cover areas like company values, management, and overall satisfaction—all the things that impact your nine-to-five.

They give employees a voice, allowing them to share their thoughts openly and honestly. By encouraging candid feedback, these surveys help create a happier workplace where employees feel heard and valued—rather than underappreciated.

What are the benefits of conducting employee satisfaction surveys?

Now that you’ve got a solid grasp of what employee satisfaction surveys are, let’s dive into the benefits:

  • Increase retention: When employees feel they’re part of a proactive, supportive team, they’re more likely to stay. Plus, regular feedback uncovers potential reasons for turnover, allowing you to address issues and improve employee retention rates.

  • Gather large-scale feedback: Engagement surveys offer a 360-degree view of your entire team’s sentiment, ensuring that the collective voice is represented rather than just the loudest.

  • Take proactive steps to improve culture: Without a feedback system in place, staff members may resort to sharing negative experiences publicly. Engagement surveys let you boost their experience before dissatisfaction and quiet quitting escalate.

  • Strengthen company culture: By encouraging open dialogue and acting on feedback, you’re creating a transparent culture where employees feel respected.

Happy eyes Unlock Employee Motivation with Thankbox!

Looking to boost employee satisfaction? Create a Thankbox today to make your team feel valued and appreciated at work.

Wondering what to ask? In the next section, we’ll highlight the top engagement questions to get the roll balling. 

12 must-ask employee satisfaction survey questions

Here’s a list of employee satisfaction survey questions you can ask, split into easy-to-digest categories. Remember, all responses are anonymous, so encourage your team to be open and candid.

Working at the office

Questions on job satisfaction

1. How satisfied are you with your current role?

As you’ve probably experienced, employees who enjoy their roles are much more engaged and open. Asking about job satisfaction helps uncover whether their responsibilities are fulfilling or if they’re just going through the motions. 

2. Do you feel valued for the work you do?

It’s no secret that everyone wants to feel appreciated, and staff members are more likely to excel when their efforts are recognised. This question assesses whether your employee recognition ideas are effective or if they need a tune-up.

3. Is your workload manageable?

Feeling overwhelmed can quickly lead to burnout, lowering both productivity and morale levels. Spotting these stress points early allows you to take action and invest in more balanced workloads—ideal for employee wellbeing.

Questions on management

4. How supported do you feel by your direct manager?

Here, you can find out if your employees feel their managers are providing first-rate guidance and resources. If the results show low scores, it’s a clear signal that something requires your attention.

5. Do you feel comfortable providing feedback to your manager?

Building rapport between employees and managers is key to a healthy workplace. Employees need to feel safe sharing their thoughts and suggestions without fear of repercussions.

6. How frequently do you receive constructive feedback from your manager?

Delivering constructive feedback at work goes hand in hand with career development. This question gauges whether employees are receiving regular check-ins and helpful input to improve their performance and grow in their careers.

Questions on work-life balance

People having a discussion at work

7. How would you rate your current work-life balance?

With more than half of employees preferring a healthy work-life balance over a pay raise, getting the perfect balance has never been more important. Their responses show if they feel supported in managing their work and personal life—or if you could be doing more.

8. Do you feel work is distributed fairly?

Asking this question reveals whether team members feel their tasks are manageable, highlighting early signs of potential disruption within the group. Uneven workloads can trigger frustration, so addressing any imbalances helps maintain team harmony.

9. Are there any company policies that hinder your work-life balance?

This question digs deeper, allowing employees to point out specific company practices—like overtime expectations or lack of flexible hours—that may negatively affect their ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Questions on company culture

10. How well do you understand the company’s mission and goals?

Employees who understand the above are more likely to feel connected to their work. This question checks whether they align with the broader goals of your company, which can boost motivation at work.

11. How would you describe the company culture?

This open-ended question invites your employees to express their thoughts about company vibes. It can reveal deeper insights into whether your culture is supportive and positive, or highlight areas that need improvement.

12. How happy are you at work?

Though simple (and not to mention obvious), this question plays a huge role in any satisfaction survey. Consider including a free text box so employees can share specific details about their happiness or concerns, providing insights into their overall experience.

Celebrate your team with Thankbox

It’s easy for day-to-day efforts to go unnoticed, and when teams feel underappreciated, morale can take a hit. Thankfully, Thankbox online group cards ensure no one feels overlooked.

Thank you Thankbox sample 2

Whether you’re celebrating milestones, birthdays, or simply sending a thank you, your whole team can get involved by adding comments, GIFs, video messages, and even digital gift cards or sending flowers. It’s a simple yet personalised way to show appreciation.

So why wait for a special occasion? Create a Thankbox and make recognition a regular part of your workplace—it’s a small gesture that makes a big impact.

Images: Cover | Working at the office | People having a discussion at work

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