Home Blog Sir David Attenborough - Happy 96th Birthday!

Sir David Attenborough - Happy 96th Birthday!

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
Updated 04 Jul 2024 7 min read
David Attenborough at the Great Barrier Reef presenting.

He’s an international treasure and inspiration. David Attenborough has done more than anyone to show the world why we need to love our one home - planet Earth. He’s opened our eyes to all its wonders.

We’ve marvelled at it in green, blue, frozen and micro. He has shown life in all forms and why it’s so precious. It’s clear we are all in danger of sleepwalking into the diminishment and irreversible destruction of life as we know it.

Sir David has dedicated his life to life on Earth. We thought it was time to show our appreciation of this gentle, determined and enlightening man. Time for us all to give a bit back.

Wish Sir David ‘Happy Birthday’ and give a gift to planet Earth

Thankbox is an online group card and collection service. Anyone, anywhere can mark a special occasion with a personal message and contribution to a collection pot. We also love the planet - we plant a tree for every 10th sale, with over 3000 planted now.

Sir David is 96 on the 8th of May 2022, so we figured a public Thankbox ecard is perfect for showing our gratitude for all he has done and fundraise for a cause he has represented for decades. He has been a member of the world’s oldest wildlife conservation charity, Fauna & Flora International (FFI), since 1959 and a Vice President since 1979.

Sign the Sir David Attenborough birthday Thankbox

For the first time, anyone, anywhere in the world, can send their birthday wishes to him and directly help FFI's essential work protecting our planet's most vulnerable residents.

Image of David Attenborough 96th Birthday Thankbox header

We are thrilled to be supported by Thankbox through this unique and innovative campaign celebrating our vice-president, Sir David Attenborough. We would like to thank everyone at Thankbox – and to all who sign the online card - for their generosity. Their donations will contribute to our work with local communities around the world to protect and restore nature.

- Jonny Wright, Senior Director, Communications & Fundraising at FFI.

Help the 40k+

We encourage everyone who has been touched by Sir David’s work and cares about the health of our planet, our only home, to show their appreciation and make a small donation.

Over 40,000 species are in danger of disappearing from our lives. We want to raise £10,000 for FFI to continue to provide protection and hope. We can’t think of a better present in honour of Sir David. It will be a small measure of our appreciation for all he has done to show us all how fragile Earth is. 

Helping FFI helps me

Young mountain gorilla in it's natural habitat

We share 98% of our DNA with this cheeky little mountain gorilla. It and all its playmates have a future with numbers now rising thanks to FFI.

For over 60 years Sir David Attenborough has supported FFI. They have quietly influenced and shaped conservation practices since 1903 to protect the diversity of life on earth. FFI works in all environments, all over the world.

Fauna & Flora International has saved species from extinction and habitats from destruction. Raising FFI’s profile as a leading conservation organisation will enable them to further educate and encourage people, businesses and governments to behave more sustainably.

- Sir David Attenborough

If you care about animals, plants and ecosystems then you care about the work of FFI and the future of planet Earth. Here's one example of their essential work:

A face of extinction

This is one of only two Northern White Rhinos left in the wild. Guarded 24/7 by FFI’s Kenyan partner. They’re both female.

One of the last two northern white rhinos on Earth.

Find out more about the projects FFI are leading across the globe. All protecting the fauna and flora our future existence depends on. 

Online birthday cards & gift collections are easy with a Thankbox

The world can send birthday wishes to Sir David Attenborough thanks to online greeting card services like Thankbox. We help bring people together so anyone, anywhere can deliver a personal message. A Thankbox also provides an online collection pot. Without this combination we couldn't give the world the opportunity to give something back by appreciating all Sir David has done and donating to FFI.

For Sir David’s birthday Thankbox the collection pot will be donated directly to FFI. They will also deliver the card and fundraising news to Sir David.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in this special celebration of Sir David Attenborough.

Image credits:

Sir David @ Great Barrier Reef - dfat.gov.au

Mountain Gorilla - Bob Brewer, Unsplash

Northern White Rhino - Gurveena Ghataure/FFI

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