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Posts tagged with: Leadership

Elevate your leadership game with insights into key competencies and skills. From inspiring your team to making strategic decisions, our leadership tips are designed to help you lead with confidence.

Unveiling 10 Leadership Competencies: Your Guide to Success

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
13 May 2024 7 min read
Smiling woman wearing glasses

From watching The Office, we all know that leadership can make or break a team. After all, a great leader can turn a struggling company into a powerhouse of productivity. Ready to unlock your potential? Join us as we explore how mastering leadership competencies can elevate your leadership game.

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Employee Evaluation Samples to Guide Your Next Review Session (+ Best Practices)

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova
Tsvetelina Hinova
15 Apr 2024 6 min read
Feedback spelled on scrabble tiles

Explore our guide on employee evaluation samples, including templates, messages & best practices. Learn to craft evaluations that boost morale, align goals, and foster growth. It’s perfect for managers aiming for constructive feedback and enhanced team performance.

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What Makes a Good Manager? 12 Special Qualities to Cultivate

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova
Tsvetelina Hinova
10 Apr 2024 6 min read
A businesswoman in a grey shirt talking with her colleagues

It’s almost impossible to find a thriving team that isn’t led by an impressive manager. Even with skilled team members, a strong leader is necessary to motivate, inspire, and care for them. So, what makes a good manager? Join us as we share 12 essential qualities that encompass stellar management.

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Quiet Quitting Explained: Everything You Need To Know To Prevent It

Photo of Desislava Cholakova
Desislava Cholakova
08 Apr 2024 5 min read
Tired woman rests her head on a pile of books

The “quiet quitting” trend is spreading like wildfire on social media, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. We’re starting to uncover that millions of employees may not enjoy being at work, and this is not good news for many companies. So, how can you combat this? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

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Here Are 8 Tips We Use to Develop a Strong Work Ethic in the Workplace

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
05 Apr 2024 7 min read
People doing handshakes in a meeting

Think of one of the most reliable people in your workplace. You probably have fond memories of them coming through for the team when others couldn’t. This is a sign of a good work ethic. The good news is that you can cultivate these standards for your entire team! Read on to learn how…

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Employee Value Proposition: How We Build a Winning EVP

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
21 Mar 2024 7 min read
Employer and employee shaking hands

Most employers have thought about what employees and potential employees offer them. But have you ever thought about what you offer employees? This is known as your employee value proposition (EVP)—and it’s absolutely crucial if you want to compete in the modern job market. Read on to learn more.

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10 Strategies We Recommend for Improving Employee Retention Rates

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
15 Mar 2024 7 min read
Coworkers throwing paper sheets in the office

You might think you have a team that’s happy at work. Then one day, your top performers hand in their resignations and communicate that they’ve been feeling undervalued for months. Understanding your employee retention rate is key to keeping your employees onboard. Read on for our top suggestions.

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Employee Turnover: Top Causes & 9 Ways We Prevent It

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
06 Mar 2024 7 min read
Happy co-workers sitting on a sofa

In the extremely ruthless job market of today, companies are always on the lookout for top talent. It’s no surprise, then, that reducing employee turnover is a major focus for most organisations. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered with our top 9 strategies for keeping your employees onboard.

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We Reveal 12 People Management Skills You Need to Succeed

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
05 Feb 2024 7 min read
People taking a group picture

You’ve probably experienced at least one manager in your life that puts the ‘hard’ in hard work. Sure, managing people isn’t easy, but there’s always skills you can develop to ensure that everyone reaches their maximum potential. Keep reading to explore the 12 people management skills you need.

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Learning to Lead: 7 Leadership Styles & How You Can Find Yours

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova
Tsvetelina Hinova
01 Feb 2024 6 min read
Colorful paper boats

You may find yourself taking on a leadership role at some point in your career. It could range from leading a meeting, a single project, or a small team to even an entire department. So, get to know these 7 different leadership styles to help you adapt in your professional life.

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